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roundup cancer warning

Roundup Leukemia and Cancer Warnings

Rates of leukemia are rising in America, and studies indicate it may be due to a chemical called glyphosate that’s part of a widely used weed-killer known as Roundup. Indeed, studies show that warnings are merited for Roundup products which can cause leukemia and other cancers.

Use of Roundup Can Double Cancer Risk

According to Rodale Wellness, a leading health magazine publisher, Roundup can double the cancer risk of those exposed to the product’s carcinogenic chemical, known as glyphosate. That conclusion came after examining a “striking increase in the number of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases over the past three decades,” Rodale said. A major scientific review then suggested that chemical pesticides such as glyphosate are linked to this increase.

Rodale cited a review in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health which studied 44 papers to learn how 80 active ingredients in 21 chemical classes impacted the risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for farmers and others who are routinely exposed to such chemicals.

Roundup is Heavily Used by Many

Of course, that can mean all of us, since glyphosate is so heavily used now that it’s being found in the rain and water supply, as well as in many non-organic foods eaten by Americans. How heavily is Roundup used? Very heavily, and it started with the surge in genetically engineered seeds for crops.

The Monsanto Company of St. Louis, MO, which manufactures Roundup, also developed genetically engineered seeds -- seeds which were designed to withstand heavy sprayings of its own Roundup weedkiller. These are known as Roundup Ready seeds. Farmers’ use of such seeds has increased dramatically in the past 20 years, which in turn has led to a surge in the use of glyphosate in products such as agricultural-grade Roundup.

These genetically engineered seeds are known as GMO, or genetically modified organisms. Their introduction was first believed to be able to decrease the amounts of chemicals sprayed on America’s crops. Instead, according to Washington State University Professor Chuck Benbrook, GMO technology actually raised herbicide use by 527 million pounds, or 11 per cent, from 1996 to 2011. Also, such overuse of glyphosate has led to weeds developing a resistance to it, which means even greater amounts of the chemical are being sprayed even more often. Reports indicate that over 280 million pounds of deadly glyphosate were sprayed on crops such as corn, sugar beets and soybeans in America in one recent year alone.

Roundup Lymphomas, Cancers and other Injuries

This heavy use of weed-killers has led to Monsanto’s Roundup and active ingredient glyphosate being associated with various cancers and other ailments. Such illnesses could be widespread among the populace, since even tiny doses of glyphosate can spark health ailments, scientists say.

Such health problems can include:

•Birth defects


•Breast cancer

•Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma


•Spontaneous abortions in farm animals

•Death of human embryonic cells

•Hormone disruption

•Skin irritation

•Eye irritation

•Respiratory irritation

Scientists also believe that numerous chemicals used in farming -- chemicals such as glyphosate -- are having a negative impacts on white blood cells and are disrupting humans’ immunity systems. Such chemicals have been found in foods and water across America. Thus, it’s not only farmers, gardeners and agricultural workers who are being exposed to leukemia and other cancers due to the glyphosate found in Roundup products. Potentially, it is everyone.

Roundup Cancer Legal Action

Victims of leukemia or other cancers after heavy or sustained exposure to Roundup chemicals can get a Roundup cancer lawyer to fight for their legal rights. Contact the Willis Law Firm today for a free legal review of your case, and we’ll help you determine if you can file a successful Roundup cancer lawsuit against Roundup maker and seller Monsanto.

Even with the many Roundup leukemia and cancer warnings, Americans are still being widely exposed to its deadly chemicals. Notify our law firm today if a loved one suffered a health problem associated with glyphosate exposure, and let’s get started seeking justice and payments for your losses.

Roundup Lawsuit for Cancer & Non-Hodgkin's

If you or a loved one used the RoundUp and later were diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), Hairy-cell leukemia, B-cell lymphoma, T-Cell, or Chronic Lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL), then you need to consult with an attorney to discuss your legal rights to filing a Roundup Lawsuit. Talk to a Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Lawyer, certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, with 35+ years of experience.

Call 1-800-883-9858 or click on > Free Roundup Lawsuit Review

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    NOTE: Monsanto has not make any annoucement or released any press release concerning a worldwide Roundup recall, nor has the Federal agency ordered Roundup recalled due to any potential health hazard including any admission of Roundup causing B-cell lymphoma,Lymphocytic lymphoma, T- Cell, CLL or Non Hodgkins Lymphoma .


    By Attorney David Willis of The Willis Law Firm
    Principal Office in Houston, Texas [USA] Toll Free 1-800-883-9858
    Licensed in State of Texas since 1983 and State of New York since 2005
    Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Law - Texas Board of Legal Specialization
    All Cases Taken on a Contingency Fee Basis. No Attorney's Fee or Expenses Unless a Recovery Obtained.
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